This Web Page contains pictures from Dr. Bidlack's Fall 2006 Plant Anatomy Class
Pictures from Fall 2006 Plant Anatomy Class
Mike, our Star Plant Anatomist, has every girl's attention when he talks about parenchyma
Tabitha (#1) will celebrate graduating and getting married this year!
Tabitha (#2) can't wait to get her hands on some good tracheids
Tamara dreams about working at the Oklahoma City Zoo
Tran Tran's ambition is to become a secret agent, although she claims to be a pharmacy major
David will soon go to Medical School and become President of his class
Kara wants to learn everything there is to know about Mike's parenchyma
Keenan is coconuts for Plant Anatomy!
Emily is not sure if she prefers parenchyma or coconuts
Kate is proud as can be of her husband and loves to teach microbiology
Kristen still remembers seeing Dr. Bidlack wearing a hospital gown and talking about xylem
Cliff finally gets to see Mike's parenchyma under the microscope and is truly amazed
Lisa will soon go to Graduate School so she can spend a lifetime studying Plant Anatomy