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is the Main Page for Dr. Bidlack's Lecture Notes and other materials. You should use these
notes to help prepare for class, and even take them to lecture with you so
you can follow along more closely in class. Most of these notes are provided in
outline format, to help organize information and assist your learning
experience. Additional notes, in the form of drawings, pictures, and
examples will be presented in class. You should annotate your notes during
lecture, with the information presented, in order to have a complete
understanding of topics covered. Once you have completed the course, you
may use these notes for your own teaching and reference, as long as you follow
the rules stated on individual course pages. Dr. Bidlack generally teaches the following courses at UCO during the Academic
Year and you can access lecture notes by clicking on one of these links:
Directed Research for undergraduate students and Thesis Hours for graduate
students are generally taught every semester, but must be arranged with the instructor.
There are several Pointers and Servers containing these Lecture
Notes: https://bidlack.org,
https://bidlack.net, https://www.metabolism.net/bidlack,
and https://www3.uco.edu/centraldirectory/profiles/2120
You are welcome to use any address to download this information.
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