Letters of Recommendation from Dr. Bidlack
Students don't necessarily understand that a letter of recommendation should be written by someone who knows the individual well enough to compose an accurate, descriptive, and honest evaluation. It is quite an honor and a pleasure to write letters for good students who have been in my classes and who have worked in my laboratory. However, I cannot and will not write letters for students who have merely taken one of my classes and feel it is my obligation to write a letter about them. Keep in mind that faculty members take time away from their families and personal lives to help students in this manner and I will not waste time composing a letter for someone whom I cannot whole-heartedly support.
If you feel that you have earned a superior grade in one of my classes and you have been a member of my Research Group, I will consider writing a letter for you. Even as such, I reserve the right to refuse writing a letter for you (which may be because of time limitations or I simply do not want to write the letter) and you might need to ask someone else to support your case. If, indeed, you want me to write a letter of recommendation for you, I request the following:
You must have earned an "A" in one of my classes.
You must have been a part of my Research Group.
You must provide at least two weeks notice of when you need your letter of recommendation.
You must be willing to draft your own letter for me, submit it to me in a timely manner, and be open to any changes I might make to revise your letter.
You must be accurate and honest in what you write. If you draft a letter for me that appears to be too bold or too humble and I feel it is inaccurate, I reserve the right to terminate the letter-writing process at that time.
You are limited to no more than five (5) letters from me. I will not write and send dozens of letters to employers and universities merely so you can pick and chose the one you like best.
You may not request letters addressed "To Whom it May Concern" or any other such generic address.
You may not Xerox or otherwise copy my signature and use it for other letters that I have not authorized you to use.
You may contact me in person (Howell Hall Room 301B), by phone (974-5927), or e-mail (jbidlack@uco.edu) to discuss obtaining a letter or recommendation.
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